
festival lasemo enfants

LaSemo is the festival that carries strong meanings and values and looks to the future.

Every decision and direction we take to develop our project is based on strong values and is future oriented.

Our ambition is to build a festival anchored in the society and ...

Looking to the future

For 15 years, we have been providing comprehensive sustainability solutions for the industry and for audiences. We deal with cultural, environmental (mobility, food, waste, scenography, energy, awareness), social (accessibility, gender…), economic (suppliers and local spin-offs…) and citizen and intergenerational participation issues.

With regard to this last point, LaSemo is also looking to the audiences of tomorrow by offering a first quality cultural experience to thousands of children each year, for whom cultural offerings outside of school are too rare.

Famille en festival

As a meeting place

With figures from UNAF – France indicating that adults spend an average of 8 hours a day in front of a screen (of which more than 5 hours are spent in their leisure time) and that children between 3 and 7 years old spend 1 hour and 56 minutes in front of a screen, it is clear that the psychological and democratic consequences of isolation are on the rise.

This is why LaSemo is built around the encounter between individuals, cultures and generations and the sharing of emotions. Indeed, the location of the site, the shows and concerts organized, as well as the activities proposed encourage social ties and reconnection with life.

As a place of wonder

With the carefully thought-out setting, scenography, implantation and programming, festival-goers can take the time to contemplate the artistic proposals with all their senses and to disconnect.

We attach great importance to the comfort of the public and to the quality of the reception, and we pay attention to every detail of the organization to allow them to fully enjoy the experience.

sepctacle de rue festival musique

As a place of experimentation and commitment

We are proud of LaSemo as a living laboratory. We innovate with cultural forms by offering concerts and performances that are both innovative and daring. Our audience responds with enthusiasm, curiosity and kindness to the artists present, offering them a platform to have confidence in their work.

We are also trying to implement sustainability measures with notable successes (sometimes adopted by the entire sector) and failures.

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